Our Teamsters Local 396 Executive Board, Staff, and Membership send its deepest condolences to the family, friends, and co-workers of our UPS Teamster Brother Frank Ordonez. Everyone here at Local 396 feels a deep sense of outrage and shock at how Frank lost his life in a senseless act of random violence, while doing his best to provide for his family while working his UPS delivery route.
We share a deep, profound sense of grief with all our Teamster Brothers and Sisters across the Nation at this tragic turn of events.
Frank was a proud Teamsters Local 769 member and a loving father of two children. Your Local 396 Teamster Brothers and Sisters mourn your loss and we are keeping your family in our prayers. May you rest in peace our Brother.
As soon as we have more information, we will provide an update on how we may contribute to help the family of Brother Frank Ordonez.